Tribes, Rituals and Traditions

One country – 72 different languages! Ethiopia offers not only an incredibly diverse landscape, but also a variety of cultures. On your journey you will encounter all kinds of people: white-robed Christian Orthodox priests, Muslim nomads leading their seemingly endless caravans of camels at dawn, or animated tribal members dressed in animal skins dancing around the evening fire. These distinctive cultures enrich Ethiopia with their diverse ways of life, rituals and traditions.

In the southern region, along the lower reaches of the River Omo, are found settlements of about two-dozen tribes that all live according to ancient traditions. A colourful mosaic of different tribes, whose numbers vary from tens of thousands to only around 500.

Climb aboard the time machine with us, travel south and experience the colourful market of the body-painted Karo tribe. See the ornate Ari women and the clay hair buns of the Daasanach tribe, worn as a sign of victory. Witness the bull jumping of the young men of the Hamer tribe and visit the Mursi women with their recognizable lip disks.

Or set of on an adventurous excursion into the Danakil Depression in the northeast, where the proud Afar tribesmen, the Sons of the Desert, salvage valuable natural treasures from one of the most inhospitable places on the planet.

